Donate to CSA

UC’s Construction Student Association

Donate through our Site

Donate the easy way by sending money directly through our site. Below you’ll find a donation box where you can choose an amount or create your own amount.


Donate through Venmo

If you prefer to donate through Venmo, please reach out to us for our Venmo information.


Send a Check

If you choose to donate the old fashioned way, you can always send a check to our office. Please reach out to us for more information.

Monetary Donation

One of the best ways to support CSA is with a donation. Your donation will allow our students to participate in incredible workshops, competitions, job fairs, and so many other learning experiences. We also award scholarships yearly to our members and we can continue to reward their interest and dedication in part to your donations. We appreciate your contribution!

Search “Construction Student Association” and select the Operational Fund or the Scholarship Fund.